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Zhou Yumiao | |
Department:Department of Infection Disease | Service Time : |
Job:Associate Chief Physician | Address: |
Skilled:MainDisciplines: Heisgoodatclinicalpreventionandtreatmentofneurodegeneratived.. | Registration Fee:0 |
Zhu Jianwei | |
Department:Dermatology Department | Service Time : |
Job:Associate Chief Physician | Address: |
Skilled: | Registration Fee:0 |
Zhu Shudong | |
Department:Traditional Chinese Medicine Department | Service Time : |
Job:Chief Physician of TCM | Address: |
Skilled:MainDisciplines: Treatmentofchronicandfunctionaldiseasesofdigestivesystemwith.. | Registration Fee:0 |
Zhu Xinhai | |
Department:Cardiothoracic Surgery Department | Service Time : |
Job:Chief Physician | Address: |
Skilled:MainDisciplines: Heisgoodatminimallyinvasivesurgerysuchasthoracoscopyandmedia.. | Registration Fee:0 |
Shen Yufei | |
Department:Department of Anorectal Surgery | Service Time : |
Job:Chief Physician | Address: |
Skilled:MainDisciplines: Anorectalsurgery | Registration Fee:0 |
Shou Xiaoling | |
Department:Department of Cardiac Rehabilitation | Service Time : |
Job:Chief Physician | Address: |
Skilled:MainDisciplines: Diagnosis,treatment,rehabilitationandpreventionofcommoncardi.. | Registration Fee:0 |
Wang Weifeng | |
Department:Department of Gastroenterology | Service Time : |
Job:Associate Chief Physician | Address: |
Skilled: | Registration Fee:0 |