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Contact information and Members of Zhejiang Hospital Ethics Review Committee

Dear sponsors and investigators.       For ethical inquiries in the category of registered clinical trials, please contact: Lingxi Zhang at 0571-81595022.      ..

Hits: 950Time: 2021-12-30

Version 4.0 Researcher’s Initiated Research-Ethic Review Application Guide and Forms

Various Researchers:      Please refer to the Ethic Review Application and Guide of updated Version 4.0 Researcher’s Initiated Research for submission of the ethic app..

Hits: 3021Time: 2021-09-22

Version 5.1 Clinical Test Ethical Review Application Guide for Zhejiang Hospital (Effective on July 1, 2020)

Various Researchers and Sponsor, Since July 1, 2020, some of the ethic application forms of our hospital’s Ethical Review Committee for registration and application clinical tests will be u..

Hits: 3554Time: 2021-04-06

Guidelines on Ethical Review Application and Report

Guidelines on Ethical Review Application and Report Dear investigators and sponsors, In order to help you understand the application process and considerations for ethical review at our hospit..

Hits: 5384Time: 2020-11-23

Notice on Adjustment to Members of Medical Ethics Committee of Zhejiang Hospital

Notice on Adjustment to Members of Medical Ethics Committee of Zhejiang Hospital Departments, investigators and sponsors, In accordance with the needs of the Medical Ethics Committee of Z..

Hits: 5153Time: 2020-10-08

Version 5.1 Application and Guidelines for Ethical Review of Clinical Trials by Ethics Committee of Zhejiang Hospital (Launched on July 1, 2020)

Version 5.1 Application and Guidelines for Ethical Review of Clinical Trials by Ethics Committee of Zhejiang Hospital (Launched on July 1, 2020) Dear investigators and sponsors, From July ..

Hits: 5241Time: 2020-08-11

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