Department:General Surgery Department
Name:Chen Huaihong
Title: Chief Physician, Master Tutor
She specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of geriatric neurological diseases like Parkinson, dementia, cerebrovascular disease and other neurological complications.
She graduated from Zhejiang Medical University in 1983 and has long been engaged in clinical, teaching and scientific research work on neurology and geriatrics. She specializes in the clinical management of cerebrovascular diseases and neurological diseases of the elderly (such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease) and has accumulated rich experience in this field. She is an accomplished doctor in the field of integrated treatment of geriatric multi-system and multi-organ co-morbidities, rational drug use in the elderly, and clinical nutritional support. She also has extensive experience in health management and health care for cadres. She served as deputy director of neurology department, director of the cadre health department and geriatrics department of The Second Affiliated Hospital Zhejiang University School of Medicine. He is currently the director of the general ward of Zhejiang Hospital, deputy director of Zhejiang Geriatric Diagnosis and Treatment Guidance Center, and director of Zhejiang Dementia Prevention and Treatment Technical Guidance Center. She is also a council member of China Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics, a standing committee member of Palliative Care Society of Chinese Association of Geriatric Research, Committee of the Geriatric Nutrition Group of CSCPEN, an executive council member of Zhejiang Association of Rehabilitation Medicine, a vice chairman of the Geriatrics Branch of the Zhejiang Medical Association, a vice chairman of Nutrition and Metabolism Society of Zhejiang Medical Association, Committee of Neurology Society of Zhejiang Medical Association, a vice chairman of Cognition and Neuropsychology Group of Neurology Society of Zhejiang Medical Association, a vice chairman of Geriatrics Specialized Committee of Zhejiang Association of Integrative Medicine, an executive council member of Zhejiang Association of Gerontology, a vice chairman of Eastern China Geriatric Medical Center Alliance, and a vice chairman of Zhejiang Geriatric Medicine Center Alliance. She was awarded the third prize for Science and Technology Progress of Zhejiang Province, the third prize for Medical Science and Technology of Zhejiang Province, and the first prize for The Best Natural Sciences Paper Award of Zhejiang Province. She also serves as the editorial board member of various medical journals such as Clinical Education of General Practice, Chinese Journal of Intestinal and Internal Nutrition, and Chinese Journal of Geriatric Care.
Specialist Outpatient Time:
Outpatient time: Tuesday afternoon (Specialists)
Wednesday morning (Famous doctor) (Lingyin Campus)