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【Warm Doctor Essay Solicitation】What Am I Thinking When You Are Sleeping

 Hits: 2911 Time: 2020-07-01

Looking at you falling asleep quietly on bed, a warm current came to my mind, I whispered “so nice” beside you. How time flies, from the strange first meting to the current familiarity as one family, which comes to your trust and my devotion. I cordially feel the greatness of life. Both you and me are so tiny before life. It’s just for life we have jointly established such a relationship.

Looking at you sleeping soundly, flashing back the joyful scenes we spent together eating birthday cakes, the happy-birthday song is still in my ear, the sweetness of cake is still staying on my tongue, the joyful time is pausing at that moment. Maybe all these will go far away sometime, but our memories given to each other will not fade with time flies.

During this period of hospitalization, we treated each other cordially, and it’s responsibility and trust tightly tied us from strangers. Recall everyday we spent together, it’s so harmonious and so warm. Looking at you waked up from your dream every morning, you greeted me with smiles and I responded with smiles as well , and asked about your feeling. Smile is the most important expression between us, it’s just like a magic key opening up our hearts and warming up the air around us. Smile is a language to communicate between us, and draws us closer. You said you should appreciate my considerate care, but shouldn’t I appreciate your trust and cooperation? Thank you for enabling me to shine up at my work post and to realize my self-value, thank you for understanding love and smile is the most beautiful language in the world, and thanking for letting me know the nurse-patient relationship could be as intimate as families.

Actually nurse-patient relationship is one as intimate as families, the patients are trusting nursing staff as trusting families, the nursing staff are looking after the patients like looking after families, hand in hand, understand each other and respect each other, both are heading for one target. Recovering the patients to a healthy condition and joyful mind. Although nursing is an ordinary job, the sincere love from the nursing staff could help the patients to sooth their trauma in soul; the courage from patients in conquering the illness will be ignited as long as the nursing staff encourage them with enthusiasm like fire. Although the patients are being nursed, they should really accept the nursing staff, totally trust them with full confidence, and believe they must conquer the serious illness and turn over a new leaf under considerate nursing from the nursing staff and with their own understanding and cooperation.

You are sleeping sounder and sounder, with gentle snores, I quietly approach you and put back the fallen quilt. You are sleeping so sound and so peacefully. You must be extremely happy today. Don’t be afraid, we are here guarding you, you could have a peaceful sleep. Sunshine will come tomorrow, everything will be okay. Good night, and have a nice dream.

Written by Sun Yijia from No.7 Branch of Clinical