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【Warm Doctor Essay Solicitation】Doctor’s Warmth

 Hits: 2888 Time: 2020-07-01

Somebody says hospital is the safest place, and also the most dangerous place; it’s both the warmest place, and the coldest place; somebody says the longest distance in the world is not life and death, but the patient standing in front of the doctor, the doctor only sees the disease, not the person. But there are a group of warm doctors around me, and he is one of them. Although his service length is not long, but the patients cannot help trusting him, and he is Physician Xu Yanhui from the Thoracic Surgery Department.

I remember the first day of my father’s admission to hospital on October 7, 2019. Physician Xu gently came to my father’s bedside and carefully inquired about his illness state, and then unexplainable trust was established between the patient and physician. Physician explained the operation plan to my father before conducting the operation, so that my father could fully understand about the operation. His worry was gradually alleviated. Physician Xu also personally did the illness monitoring, wound dressing change and so on after operation. Before long my father was very upset for his complications caused by infection of incisional wound plus immune stimulant, and he was worried all day. Physician Xu was keeping personally changing dressing and treating for my father and never delayed, no matter how late it was when he finished his operation, even he was busy at home at weekends or sometime late at nine or ten in the evening, and he kept comforting and persuading my father, and long-lost smiles recovered to my father’s face. Later my father’s illness was from bad to worse, and then he was transferred to Respiratory Medicine Department for further treatment. As long as he had spare time, Physician Xu would come to my father and talk with him to ease his emotion, until my father was critically ill, he often chattered with me, “how nice is Physician Xu, thank him for me”.

Physician Xu not only treats patients warmly, but also treats their families the same. Once a family of a patient at the Thoracic Surgery Department was stuck in throat by fishbone, the patient’s state of illness changed, and his family was not familiar about the hospital and didn’t know how to take diagnosis. When the patient and his family were worried, Physician Xu immediately brought the patient’s family to the clinic for diagnosis just after he finished his night shift. For the otolaryngology department could not clearly see the fishbone, so they suggested to use the gastroscope, the family was very nervous after learning this, Physician Xu paid the medicine costs for them in advance, and only went home for rest after finishing the gastroscope, and it had passed the time for him to finish work.

Physician Xu reminds me of the intern physician Patch Adams in the American movie “Patch Adams”. Although his medical skill is not professional, but he takes patients as integrated men, he knows how to listen to them and brings joys and hope in life to patients with his own humor. The epitaph from Doctor Trudeau-“Sometime cure, often help and always comfort” tells the essence of medicine. When a doctor cannot hold the hand from Death, there is one thing never changed, that is to be a doctor of warmth, so that the patients will feel warmth and love.

Written by Shen Tong from No.1 Branch of Administration