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There were 18 contestants with high level making many people moving in this speech contest

 Hits: 3050 Time: 2019-05-21

A few months ago, the smokeless war was blown by the winter wind in January, with the coldness. There is a group of people turning away, leaving a pale but it renders their red spirit and they look like the angle and fight with the death, guarding the hope of the world. Bai Jianfeng, senior reporter of The People’s Daily and chief editor of the economic and social department, said that every girl with a dream wants to meet a warm man. When people are sick, they want to meet a warm doctor. In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. People across the country have placed their hops on those people. That group of people, they might be around us.

  In order to further implement the 100-day action of “Improving medical services and enhancing patient experience “ in our hospital, creating a positive 、 harmonious and healthy doctor-patient relationship and cultural atmosphere, learning from the “example power” of anti-epidemic heroes, improving the spiritual civilization construction of the hospital and deeply build the cultural brand of “warm medicine.” The hospital specially holds a warm medicine a action speech contest. On April 24th, 36 contestants from the party branch, passed the preliminary selection, and 18 contestants advanced to the final. On May 20th, our hospital held a warm medical action speech finally in Linyin ladder classroom in order to spread the positive power of anti-epidemic and show respects to the medical nursing workers. Yan Jing, the party secretary of our solitude, Song Baisha、Huang Bodong, associate dean, Zhang Weijuan, director of the united front work department, Xu Ying, union specific, Wang Jing, vice chairman of Zhejiang online culture and temmoku News director of the center to attend as a judge of the game.

  Yan Jing gave a speech in the beginning. He said that in the 66-year history of the hospital, our hospital always adhere to the force core values of “Achieving Excellent in Virtue and Skill”, and built a high-level, modern, large-scale provincial Grade A general hospital with the belief of “one feeling, ninety percent cultivation, hundred percent excellence and great responsibility.” Do not get the original medicine mind, keeping in mind the mission of health! In November last year, our” warm medical” launched its 100-day action, improving medical quality and medical technology, and at the same time to carry out the optimization of this process, “ three meters sunshine” warm medical theme activities, “37︒C five-star warm” selection, etc, is committed to the environment, leading examining, registration, consulting, nursing, medical treatment and so on each link to provide the humanized service for patients, at the same time through the party branch activities community, cultural lecture hall,” warm doctor”, essay contest and other activities to enhance staff cohesion, further harmonious doctor-patient relationship.

  At the beginning of this year, the sudden battle against the epidemic began. The heroes of our hospital raced against time, fighting against the disease to save the dying and healing the wounded, protecting their lives and health, demonstrating their noble spirit of braving hardships, going against the tide and rushing to the front line.

  “Zhejiang Medical People” stand up, bearing the responsibility of dedication, fully demonstrate their fearless” warm medicine style, in the party and the people in the most needs places, highlight the fighting power. As a part of the "warm medicine” action, Yan Jing hopes that Zhejiang medical staff will take this as an opportunity to sublimate their spirit and strengthen their fighting ability, so as to create a new chapter of our hospital.

  In the following speech competition, 18 contestants calmly stood on the platform and talked about the glory and nobility, dedication and harvest of “Warm medicine” with their own experience, experience or perception. The speech was generous and inspiring, full of pride and thought provoking, as well as the dedication and heroic deeds during the fight against COVID-19 and in-depth thinking on how to improve the value of their lives.

 On the scene of the competition, Ye Lei and Ren Qi, nurses from the intensive care department of our hospital, supported the two contestants from Wuhan, and each made a moving and inspiring speech on “faith, mission, responsibility” for the medical workers present. Their simple words and touching stories fully demonstrate the moral responsibility of the heroes who saved the dying and healed the wounded, and fully demonstrate the style of The Times when the soldiers in white obeyed the command of the Party and were loyal to their mission. A real touching story, she really touches speech, elegantly blunts’ photo Waxes lyrical about reverberate in the final scene, such as bit stream buckle into the audience’s heart, when it comes to emotional place is voice trembled, exactly is the “imperfect situation not from suppression, stirs wipes his eyes shining eventually into eyeful tears and dying heart warm.

  A last winter because of viral myocarditis into our hospital intensive care medicine treatment after recovery from the discharge of Xiao Lei (pseudonym), yesterday also came to the scene, for the heart of a warm doctor aid Hubei hero Ye Lei refueling.

  After the competition, Wand Jing came on stage to make professional comments. She spoke highly of the speech contest and made wonderful and targeted comments to the finalists. She praised the contestants for telling their work experiences and touching stories of fighting the epidemic from multiple angles and at multiple levels based on what they have seen and heard around them, and their vivid and infectious speeches fully displayed their youthful and promising spirit.

  Huang Bodong comments after the game, the host department and the players have made elaborate preparation with a high level of presentation sills” PK”, dealing with the ups and downs of the plot, with deep feeling full of appeal “among” give you presents a stunning high levels and speech competition, further carry forward the heroes at the line of resistance to disease are not afraid of sacrifice, the lofty spiritual strength that dares to take responsibility and make contributions. The speech contest inspired the spirit of “love your patients like relatives” and injected constant vitality into the spiritual civilization construction of the hospital.

In the end, Yan Jing conclude that the contestants performed very well, and their infectious expressions and emotional expressions deeply affected the audience. With the deepening of medical reform and the intensification of competition in the medical market, people’s demand for medical care is increasing day by day. Improving patient’s medical experience and improving patients’ satisfaction with medical services has become the work that every hospital must do for sustainable and healthy development. All the staffs of Zhe Hospital want to stand in the area of the two departments of the high-speed development of the new starting point, remembering that” warm medical” spirit in the mind, digging the medical service connotation, continuous improved medical experience, from medical technology, service, culture , etc. The multidimensional continuous innovation of medical service mode, providing high quality service for patients, to improve the patient’s medical treatment satisfaction and sense of the people’s health.


Writing: Guo Jun, Propaganda United Front Work Department