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"Showing the Excellence of Nursing Profession And Inheriting the Distance of Hibiscus Feelings" Zhejiang Hospital Held a Grand Event to Commemorate the Nurse's Day on May 12

 Hits: 3034 Time: 2019-05-10

Your smile is full of human affection,

Your care is full of the tenderness of life,

Your focus is full of professionalism,

Your youth glows with the glory of struggle.

The breeze is intoxicated in May and the vegetation is prosperous in May. In this vibrant season, we are about to usher in the 108th international nurses' day. On the afternoon of May 9, the large-scale activity of "highlighting the excellence of nursing profession and inheriting the distance of Hibiscus feelings" commemorating the May 12 nurse's day of Zhejiang Hospital was grandly held in the Conference Center of Sandun Hospital. Hong Chaoyang, President of Zhejiang Hospital, Zhang Hong and Song Baishan, vice presidents, Ni Jiaona, deputy director of Zhejiang Cadre Health Care Center, Yu Zhihong and WAN Shu, assistant to the president, attended the event, and directors of some functional departments and clinical departments of the hospital were invited to attend.

Zhang Hong first brought cordial holiday greetings to the nursing staff of the whole hospital. In her speech, she said: nursing is an ordinary and great cause. For a long time, nursing workers in Zhejiang Hospital have worked hard day and night, insisted on nursing posts, devoted love, served patients, inherited and carried forward the Zhejiang Medical Nursing Culture of "helping patients, giving hope, paying attention to the whole and casting health". She highly affirmed the efforts of nursing workers since entering the era of two hospitals and districts. With the opening of the new hospital, nurses' human resources are relatively insufficient, and the work difficulty and workload are increasing. However, in the face of difficulties, all nurses still made fruitful achievements with full work enthusiasm, rigorous work attitude and pragmatic work style, guaranteed nursing safety and quality, and won everyone's recognition. She hopes that the nursing team of the whole hospital will continue to carry forward Nightingale Spirit and make new contributions to the development of the times of the two hospitals and districts of the hospitals!

Hong Chaoyang also extended sincere greetings and festival blessings to the nursing staff of the hospital, and paid high tribute to the nursing elders who have selflessly contributed to the development of the hospital in the past 65 years. In his speech, he pointed out that this year marks the 65th anniversary of the founding of Zhejiang Hospital. In these 65 years, the hospital's nursing career has achieved sustained and steady development with the joint efforts of generations of nursing workers. The past year was the first year for the country to fully implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. It was a key year for the country to build a Well-off Society in an all-round way and implement the 13th five-year plan; For Zhejiang Medical People, it is the founding year of the era of the two hospitals and districts, the year of sailing for leapfrog development, and the year of opportunity for the development of nursing. Facing the new journey, new goal and new mission, he stressed that the nursing staff of the hospital should continue to inherit and carry forward the Nightingale Spirit, work hard and down-to-earth, use the knowledge and technology they have mastered to save the dying, heal the wounded, love their posts and dedication, constantly innovate, practice the core values of improving morality and skills, never forget their original heart, remember their mission, and take the hospital's nursing career to a new level, add new brilliance and work hard!

You spread love and value in the ordinary; You portray nobility and create brilliance in diligence. In the subsequent awarding session, Xu Ying was awarded the Special Contribution Award for Nursing Management of Zhejiang Hospital. The commendation document of Zhang Huijuan, the winner of Excellent Nurses in Zhejiang Province, was also read out at the scene. In addition, 20 excellent nurses of Zhejiang Hospital such as Lv Wener and 10 new nursing talents such as Xie Yanhong were also commended one after another.

They soothe the hearts of patients with angelic dexterous hands; they won the praise of patients with exquisite technology. Not long ago, in order to show the positive mental outlook and skilled nursing skills of hospital nurses, and cultivate nursing professionals with innovative thinking and clinical ability, the 2019 "strong skills, show style" nursing skills competition was held. The winning units and individuals who were outstanding in this competition were also commended.

How to describe you? Our Nightingales are talented, creative and warm... You not only care, but also the director, protagonist, dubbing, writing, props, lighting and editing of micro-films and micro-videos. Your talents are amazing. The winners of the 2019 Zhejiang Hospital's "Voice of Hibiscus Flowers - Telling the Story around You" micro-film and micro-video work selection activities were also released and presented on site. The award-winning micro-film displayed tells the daily life of nursing work, but the picture is exquisite and the plot is moving, which won bursts of applause from the audience.

After decades of trails and hardships, the original heart has not changed. In Zhejiang Hospital, there are such a group of nurses who have adhered to their responsibilities for 30 years; they have been fighting for nursing for 30 years. They ushered in new nursing people one after another, without reservation and guidance in business, so that new nursing people can thrive. They paved the way of inheritance with love and described the future of nursing with responsibility. 33 senior nurse representatives of Zhejiang Hospital who have been nursing for more than 30 years, each with a new nurse of 2018, holding candles, slowly walked into the venue to complete the inheritance of the fire of hope from generation to generation.

Meng Liping, a senior nurse representative, shared: "on the Way of Nursing, All Your Efforts Will Eventually Be the Wealth of Your Growth." As a young nurse representative, Shen Hangxia, the 2018 new nurse representative, thanked her nursing predecessors for their selfless inheritance and careful teaching. Then, put on Hibiscus brooches for the nursing elders. Their shining light is a strong praise for the teachers' dedication, guidance and inheritance for decades.

Then, the three generations of nursing representatives of Zhejiang Hospital led the audience to sing the Song of Chinese Nurses, "Tender Hands Meet the Hope of Life, Warm Words Call for Health to Set Sail..." in the lyrical and sonorous chorus, the activity ended successfully.

May all Angels in White in the world smile like flowers, stay young forever and be happy every day!