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【Essay on the Hospital Celebration】Employees admitted to the hospital in the 1980s: Gong Shijin, Director of the Department of Intensive Care Medicine

 Hits: 2844 Time: 2019-11-15

My hospital, my home

In 1987, I was assigned to Zhejiang Hospital after graduating from university and have been working until now. At that time, the hospital's medical operations building was only the existing Lingyin hospital area 1 and 2 buildings and the now defunct outpatient and emergency building, the main admissions were cadres, and at that time Zhejiang Hospital was very mysterious. 32 years, I witnessed, experienced and participated in the development of the hospital. The hospital now has two hospital areas, Lingyin and Sandun, and has become a large comprehensive tertiary hospital with a full range of disciplines and fully open, treating countless patients, including many influential Chinese and foreign celebrities. The veil of mystery has also gradually faded away, replaced by leading the development of geriatrics, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, critical care medicine and other disciplines in Zhejiang Province and even nationwide. Here, medical skills are put to the best use, relieving the pain of countless patients, while the hospital's thick humanities make patients warmer.

Intensive Care Medicine is more my home. I have witnessed the creation, development and growth of the hospital's ICU, and experienced countless days and nights of helping patients fight with death. There are sorrows and tears, but more is the joy after harvesting and the gratitude after the patients are reborn. Now the department has a series of enviable honors and haloes such as national clinical key disciplines, and has a place in the comprehensive ranking of Fudan University. I love my home.

Along with the development of the hospital, I have spent the most memorable years of my life in our hospital. It is Zhejiang Hospital that has gradually trained me from a bloodthirsty, spirited, but academic, shallow rookie in dealing with things, into a qualified, winged goose, and even occupy a seat in the province in academic status. It is the hospital's love and training, through the struggle and exercise, created our generation. Let me in Shanxi Wangjialing mine disaster, Kunshan dust explosion, Wenzhou 7.23 train incident in a calm response. Without Zhejiang Hospital, I would not be who I am today. Our generation, looking forward to the rapid development of the hospital, know the truth that backwardness is beaten, no development is regression, we will also certainly take care of the hospital, so that it thrives, rapid and healthy development.

We catch up with the good times, and firmly believe that under the leadership of the hospital, we will continue to forge ahead and open up the future, and the hospital will be prosperous, and the hospital will be glorious, and we will not forget our original intention and forge ahead. With the departmental motto of "standardization, characteristics, teamwork, innovation and leadership", we will treat every matter and every patient seriously. We believe that the hospital and the department will be better tomorrow.