@Patients, during the epidemic, please take this medical advice
Hits: 3101 Time: 2020-02-13
Dear patients.
At present, the prevention and control situation of the coronavirus pneumonia epidemic is serious. In order to effectively respond to the epidemic, according to the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases, the requirements of the Level 1 Emergency Response for Public Health Emergencies in Zhejiang Province and the Notice of Zhejiang Provincial Health and Health Commission on the Management of Patients during the Coronavirus Infection Pneumonia Epidemic, combined with the current prevention and control situation and the actual situation of our hospital, we would like to inform you about the outpatient and inpatient matters as follows.
Outpatient matters
1. Arrangements for outpatient clinics
(1) Weekdays:
Outpatient clinics are open normally, general and specialist clinics can be reserved in advance (dentistry clinics are closed and emergency clinics are strengthened).
Monday to Friday: specialist clinic, general clinic, hours: 8:00am-12:00pm, 1:30pm-5:00pm
(2) Weekend.
Lingyin Hospital: Holiday clinic
Sandun Campus: Saturday clinic
Lingyin Hospital: Holiday clinic
Sandun Campus: Outpatient clinic is closed
Holiday Clinic
Lingyin Hospital: Only the general outpatient clinic of "Western Internal Medicine" is open, and the general outpatient clinic, specialist outpatient clinic and famous doctor outpatient clinic of all specialties are closed.
Saturday Clinic
Sandun Hospital: Cardiovascular medicine,
gastroenterology, respiratory medicine, neurology, endocrinology, obstetrics
and gynecology, ophthalmology, otorhinolaryngology, orthopedics, general
surgery, pediatrics and general medicine, and the rest of general outpatient
clinics, specialist clinics and famous doctor clinics are closed.
Emergency Medicine
Lingyin Hospital: Internal medicine, orthopedics and stomatology are open.
Sandun Hospital: Internal medicine, surgery, orthopedics, obstetrics and gynecology, stomatology, ophthalmology, otorhinolaryngology. Pediatric general outpatient clinic is opened in the emergency department during daytime every Sunday.
2. To avoid cross-infection, patients without urgent medical needs are
requested to postpone their visits to the hospital as much as possible.
Patients from infected areas who have made appointments for specialist clinics
should cancel their appointments and return their numbers, and should comply
with the requirements for isolation and observation, or go to the hospital
fever clinic for screening. After the epidemic has been lifted, the hospital
will promptly address the needs of patients who have not been seen.
3. Consultations can be made through Zhejiang Hospital Internet Hospital. In
the near future, the hospital will increase the number of Internet hospital
doctors to escort the health of more patients, at the same time, Zhejiang
Hospital Internet Hospital has launched the " renewal of prescriptions and
delivery of medicine to the door" service for patients with chronic
diseases who are insured by provincial medical insurance.
4. Temperature testing points are set up at
the entrance of the hospital, with security personnel to test the temperature
of all people entering the hospital, please cooperate with your family members
to measure.
5. Before entering the outpatient clinic, patients and their accompanying
family members should cooperate with the staff to scan the QR code and complete
the epidemiological history collection. For the safety of you and your family,
a maximum of one family member should accompany you to the clinic.
6. From January 30, we will stop all dentistry outpatient clinics (only
emergency oral and maxillofacial surgery clinics will be reserved to deal with
trauma and maxillofacial interstitial infections only), and the specific
resumption time will be notified according to the development of the epidemic.
7. Patients coming to the hospital should first go to the pre-screening triage office and give detailed epidemiological history and fever, respiratory symptoms, and measure body temperature.
8. If you meet one of the following conditions, please inform the staff actively and truthfully, and follow the advice of the medical staff to register the relevant information truthfully and completely before going to the designated location accompanied by the hospital staff.
(1) Fever (37.3 degrees and above).
(2) History of travel or residence in Wuhan area or other areas with persistent transmission of local cases within two weeks;
(3) Exposure to a patient with fever or respiratory symptoms from Wuhan or other areas with ongoing local case transmission within two weeks.
(4) Aggregate morbidity in those around them or epidemiological association with a person with novel coronavirus infection.
(5) Other suspected unwell symptoms, such as: having nasal congestion, cough, chest tightness, and fatigue.
9. Please visit the hospital in real name, present your ID card or medical insurance card and other relevant documents when registering, and correctly inform your cell phone number and other information.
Inpatient matters
In view of the seriousness of the current situation, the hospital will further strengthen the management of ward visits and escorts from now on.
1. Visiting is temporarily denied, and the management of escorts is restricted in each ward. If you need an escort, please fix one person, and you need to show your escort card and ID card to enter and leave the hospital.
2. Inpatients enter the ward with their admission card.
3. If family members need to send meals for patients, please send them to the security office on the first floor of the inpatient building and inform the escort to go and get them in time.
4. During the epidemic period, inpatients should not leave the ward. If you leave the ward for examination or other reasons, please report to the medical staff in charge in time.
5. Pay attention to hand hygiene (wash your hands regularly).
6. Please do not come to the hospital to accompany those who have one of the following conditions.
(1) Fever (37.3 degrees and above).
(2) History of travel or residence in Wuhan area or other areas with persistent transmission of local cases within two weeks.
(3) Have been in contact with a patient with fever or respiratory symptoms from Wuhan or other areas with ongoing local case transmission within two weeks.
(4) Aggregate morbidity in those around them or epidemiological association with a person with novel coronavirus infection.
(5) Other suspected unwell symptoms, such as: having nasal congestion, cough, chest tightness, and fatigue.
Other matters
1. The hospital is now only open to the entrance of Guangye Street (Sandun Hospital Area) and the entrance of the main gate of Lingyin Road (Lingyin Hospital Area).
2. Location of the fever clinic.
3. When visiting the clinic, do your best to protect yourself by wearing a mask throughout the visit, not touching your eyes, mouth and nose with your hands, and washing your hands regularly.
4. Don't throw away used masks, please put them in the yellow medical waste bin.
5. Avoid taking public transportation as much as possible and keep a distance of 1.5 meters from others.
6. During the epidemic period, day surgery at Zhejiang Hospital will be conducted as usual.
7. Health check-ups at the hospital are suspended. Specific resumption time will be notified. Telephone appointments will be accepted during working hours from Monday to Friday. Telephone number for appointments: 0571-81595166 (Lingyin hospital outpatient clinic), 81595500 (Lingyin hospital inpatient medical checkup VIP), 87377722 (Sandun hospital outpatient clinic).
8. To reduce the risk of patients getting infected with the coronavirus by traveling to and from the hospital for prescriptions, the hospital is actively implementing the "long prescription" policy introduced by the provincial and municipal medical insurance.