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Come every year, you'll be hooked! This lecture week schedule, please take it

 Hits: 2924 Time: 2019-10-08

October 7 is the traditional Chinese holiday Chongyang Festival, in order to call on everyone to respect and love the elderly, to guard the health of elderly friends, from the eve of Chongyang Festival in 2010, our hospital held the "Ninety-nine Chongyang - our hospital and your health appointment" large health public welfare activities. The event has been greatly welcomed by the public, and many elderly friends said, "I'm addicted to listening to it, so I come every year!"

Next week, the 10th "Ninety-nine Chrysanthemums - our hospital and your health appointment" geriatric disease prevention and treatment knowledge health public welfare lecture week officially began, our hospital will continue to send you health gift package: from October 14 to October 18, every weekday in both hospital areas, health lectures on geriatric disease prevention and treatment will be held on every working day at both hospitals.From October 14 to October 18, health lectures on geriatric disease prevention and treatment will be held on every working day at both hospitals.  The lectures will be followed by on-site consultation and question and answer sessions with experts. Please bring your medical records for consultation, we sincerely look forward to your visit!

Lingyin Hospitals

October 14~18, 2019 9:00~11:00 am daily

Ladder Classroom, B1F, Building 8, Lingyin Hospital, No.12 Lingyin Road, Hangzhou, China



Sandun Hospitals

October 14~18, 2019 9:00am~11:00am every day

Conference Room 1016, 1st Floor, Outpatient Building, Sandun Hospital, No. 1229 Gudun Road, Hangzhou



Source: Social Development Department